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Seeing Numbers While Waiting for Exam Results
Hello, I am 19 year old girl and I'm waiting for results of the most important exam in my country. I believe in LOA and I know the powers of the subconscious mind. Plus I used them in my exam. The thing is I keep seeing repetitive numbers all-over like crazy. Like 11:11 ,555,444,888, 777,44,222,22, I can't count how much. But when I woke up today the number 555 suddenly came to my mind also some days before number 888 came to my mind just like that. Can you please please please tell me is the universe trying to tell me something and what is it??? Just please.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology isn't designed to determine whether or not the universe is trying to tell someone something or what it is.
Be that as it may, seeing certain numbers or types of numbers isn't unusual.
Although a person sees many, many numbers during the course of a day, it's the ones with personal meaning, emotional significance, or unusual composition that are remembered. See Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again for more information about that.
The numbers composed of repetitive digits are the ones you remember seeing.
The thing is, when a person wonders if there is a reason for seeing those particular numbers — perhaps wondering if a personal message is trying to get through — then a person tends to see those numbers even more often. And the more they're seen (actually, seen and remembered), the more the person wonders, and the more they're seen. Why Am I Seeing Certain Numbers So Much? describes more of that.
The mind doesn't like mysteries, especially mysteries that relate to a person's future. So it seeks out whatever relates to the mystery, trying to get it solved.
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