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Name for Successful Acting Career
I have been studying all my life, and now pursuing an acting career. Is my name successful enough to be an actor? I was thinking of changing it to a more American sounding name. What numerology should I look for?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The How to Choose a Professional Name article will provide much information about choosing a name for the acting profession.
Some additional information, not covered in that article, is that the number 3 is the most creative number of all.
Therefore, when you choose your name, a 3 destiny number or a 3 personality number would be good.
Two of your four challenge numbers are the number 4. Your current name numbers include a 4, which tends to offset or reduce the power of the challenge energy. For you, it would be good to also have a 4 somewhere in your new name numbers.
The numerology chart positions for the name numbers are the heart's desire, the destiny, and the personality. A 4 heart's desire, a 7 destiny, and a 3 personality probably would work very well for you. (The number 7 is a thinker and compatible with both 4 and 3.)
Of course, no name will bring success all by itself. It will require your action to bring it about. However, a name with numbers that align with your goals can make the goals easier to attain.
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