Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
T-shirt Business
Hello, I am opening an online t-shirt business, and was wondering if the business name would be a good choice. The name adds up to a 33, the destiny number is 6, the soul urge number is 11, and the inner dream number is 22. Are two master numbers overwhelming? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm a huge fan of you site,
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Master numbers for names or dates other than people names and birth dates are added together one more time to obtain the single-digit foundation number. Only people can respond to master number nudges.
The number 6 for a destiny number is good for t-shirts. The energy 6 represents home, family, and nurturing. Clothing generally has a nurturing aspect.
Remember that the soul urge (called heart's desire at this website) is an urge or desire, not an attainment. The number 2 energy resonates with relationships, romance, and teamwork. Probably people often buy t-shirts because they desire more of those things. Thus, the heart's desire 2 should work just fine.
Of those three name numbers, any two can be specified. The third one will be what the calculations say it is. The destiny number is always the sum of the other two. Thus, 6-2=4 and 4+2=6.
The 4 energy for the inner dream or the personality works well. It is a methodic energy and suggests a quality job well done.
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