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Lucky Construction Company Name

We are three partners in a construction company & we want a lucky name for our construction company according to numerology. [names and birth dates of the three partners omitted] Please suggest us a lucky & prosperous name for our company.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There are a number of considerations when determining a numerology lucky company name.

One of the considerations is the resonance of the company name with the products or services the company provides. For a construction company, you'll want a 4 in a major numerology chart position of the company's name.

If the company primarily constructs homes, then also a 6 would be good, both a 4 and a 6. If primarily constructing roads, then also a 5, both a 4 and a 5. If primarily constructing office or commercial buildings, then also an 8, both a 4 and an 8.

The numerology company name/product compatibility calculator can help you decide which of the company names you are considering is the one to choose.

Another consideration is the resonance of the company name with the corresponding numbers of the names of the owners or chief executive officer.

To do the calculation, get a numerology reading to determine the major numbers of both the company name and the names of the owners/chief executive officer.

Compare the company name with one person's name at a time.

If the Heart's Desire number is identical for both the company name and the person's name, add 1 to the score. If the Personality number is identical for both the company name and the person's name, add 2 to the score. If the Destiny number is identical for both the company name and the person's name, add 4 to the score.

Then, multiply the score by 14.29 and drop any resulting decimal numbers. The result is a score between 0 and 100, inclusive.

The score is the compatibility quotient for the company name in relation to the name of the person being compared.

Average the scores obtained when comparing the company name with the three owners. The result will be a compatibility score.

The higher the numerology compatibility, the luckier the company name.

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