Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

What Career Suits Me Best According To My Numbers?

1. Question: I moved from Europe to the USA and need to start my education all over again. I like to be a leader or work with freedom to make my own decisions. I am interested to be in medical field or helping others. Would becoming a doctor, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or psychology field suit me? What suits me best according to my numbers? In my free time I love to read, paint, but see these things more for hobby. 2. Question: After married my last name changed to [name removed]. Does this change my numbers?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Let me address your second question first. The name as it was first recorded at birth is the name to use for most types of numerology readings. That would usually be the name on the birth certificate.

See the How To Get the Best Numerology Reading page for more information about which name to use.

Responding to your first question: Your life path number is the number 3. You're likely to be exposed to and interact with creativity either frequently or persistently for your entire life. It's something to consider when deciding on a career.

Another thing to consider is what you want to do, what you enjoy, your personal preference.

And finally, use the career suggestions tool for a list of the types of careers that resonate with the name and birth date you provided the calculator with.

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