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Is It a Lucky Company Name?

Hello, I would like to start a company called MAXIM AGENCY. Is this a lucky company name for me? I've been thinking on this for days and can't decide. Please help me! Thanks [name removed]

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

With the number 8 as both your life path number and your heart's desire number, it's understandable that you want a business name with the potential to last a long time and become known as among the top of its field.

Consult the articles listed in the company name index for help determining whether or not MAXIM AGENCY is a good name for your company. Without knowing the type of company being named, I'm unable to suggest either pro or con.

You see, what makes a good name depends on the type of company being named.

As an example, and depending on the name, a name that resonates well for a lawn care company might not resonate so well with a automobile restoration company.

Even similar types of companies resonate better with different numbers. The number 6 resonates best for a real estate company focused on residential sales while the number 8 resonates better for one focused on commercial sales.

The purpose and focus of the company needs to be considered when determining if MAXIM AGENCY would be a good name.

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