Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
From Chemicals to Entrepreneur
I am in marketing & technical service of chemicals. My official life involves lots of hard work, but when time comes to get something big, it comes up to the mouth and is taken away by others. I want to change my work from chemicals to become a entrepreneur. Kindly suggest.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your numerology life path number and your personality number are both the number 8.
The number 8 is a good business number.
Still, having the number 8 in those two numerology chart positions is no guarantee of success. Running a business requires a person to know how to run a business. The number 8 energy can be of more benefit when the person has sufficient education and experience. If you have that knowledge and experience, you're more likely to succeed.
Use the career suggestions tool for a list of the types of business you're likely to enjoy more than other types of business. Your preference may be different that the tool indicates — which would be an indication of what is more likely to be a success for you.
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