Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Becoming a Successful Numerologist in a Year
Will I become a successful Numerologist [next year]? And will I be able to earn money through this science?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There is a lot to learn, the first being that numerology itself is not psychic. Some numerologists may be psychic, but not the numerology calculations themselves.
If by "success" you mean will you be able to deliver interpretations of the energy of the calculated results, then yes. You may use the calculators at the online numerology tools page to get the calculations done. Many of the tools come with interpretations of the results. You may read those with, perhaps, your own slant according to what you perceive your client needs.
Regarding making money, that depends on whether you have clients who are willing to pay your fees.
Note that "successful numerologist" and "professional numerologist" can have highly different definitions. "Success" can be whatever a person says is it. "Professional", on the other hand, requires affirmations from clients and/or other numerologists. It can take years.
See Becoming a Professional Numerologist for my take on that. How I Got Started With Numerology has additional relevant information.
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