Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Three Questions: Name, Career, and Marriage

1. Is my name correct or compatible. 2. Can I make my career in wholesale medicine shop business. 3. When are my marriage chances likely to get?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

To answer your question on whether or not your name is correct or compatible, knowing what the compatibility relates to is required.

If the name compatibility relates to your birth date, yes, your name and birth date are compatible. If it relates to your career, use the career suggestions tool to see if the career of your choice would fit with the suggestions. If the compatibility relates to a spouse or potential spouse, type the names and birth dates of both of you into the marriage compatibility calculator.

Your name and birth date both resonate well with the concept of a wholesale medicine shop. Whether or not you can make a career in that business depends on your knowledge and experience and also on the actions you take and don't take. A compatibility is no guarantee of success. Similarly, incompatibility is no guarantee of failure. While compatibility may make success easier, it's the person's actions that ultimately determine success or failure.

The likely marriage dates calculator can be used to answer your third question.

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