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I Need a Company Name

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I need a company name to start with.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

When using numerology to help determine a company name, the type of company needs to be known first of all. With that, some preferred numbers can be determined. After the numbers are determined, then a name can be created or selected from a list that incorporates some or all of the preferred numbers.

As an example of numbers, if it's a for-profit company, a generally good number is the number 8. Or if it's a non-profit company dedicated to the betterment of humankind, then the number 9 is a generally good number.

Further, if the company is about education, then the number 7 is also a good number or if about building homes, then the number 6.

See the Number Meanings for Company Names article for more information about which numbers are good for which type of company.

The free online Company Name Compatibility tool can then help you determine which name is acceptable or the best of those you are considering.

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