Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Questions About My Career
I ask two questions about my career such as Musical Theater, Doctor, or Nurse. Though, I don't remember question. According to my birth date calculation, I added the number together and ended up with Life Path One. I did some research about Life Path One and it said that Life Path One is refer to leader and inventor. Most of the career for Life Path One is Business Manager, Military, Engineer, Entertainer, Graphic Designer, Photographer, Actor, Writer, Media, Musician, Public Speaker, Politician, Entrepreneur, Police Officer, Executive, and Pioneer. As I look at these careers, I feel like none of those fits me, my personalities, my name, and my birth date. I thought myself wanting to become a Musical Theatre, but then again I know I won't become successful. Afterward, I've been obsess with Medical Dramas / TV Shows. I told my friend and my mom about becoming a Doctor or a Nurse, once I do 2-3 years of Community College, transfer to 4 year college, and either maybe get a Master Degree or a PhD Degree. Except, becoming a Doctor or a Nurse is far impossible. Later, I thought about acting. Well I'm not quite sure if acting will fit me the best. I search and search, trying to find the missing puzzle of my future, my reputation. So far, I've got no answer. I wonder if Numerology is real and how can it make my future prediction came true if the chart is accurate or non accurate. Will it help me become a successful person? Will it help me become a better active person instead of being lazy? Perhaps I will never know the answer.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology is real. But it doesn't make predictions come true.
Further, whether or not you are successful depends on your definition of success and on what you do, your actions, to achieve that which you have defined.
Numerology reveals likelihoods and tendencies. Not demands or predeterminations.
It is prudent to consider more than just the life path number when making career decisions. Although it has the name "life path number," it's not the only number to affect a person's life path.
For some or many people, their real path, purpose, or satisfying direction in life isn't found until after some sub-paths are experienced. Let's consult your numerology chart to see what might be on the horizon.
Your numerology chart's life period cycle is the number 1. But in less than four years the new life period cycle will be the number 4. Have a look at those links. You'll find it's likely to be quite a change.
There are four challenge numbers, all active. But one is always predominant. Your current predominant challenge number is the number 3. In a dozen years, the predominant challenge number will be the number 1.
For the next 12½ years, your pinnacle cycle number will be the number 5. It will then change to the number 9.
Of the three, life period cycles affect your life path the most. Pinnacle cycles affect mostly the whole person that is you. And the challenges affect both about equally.
Your life period cycles tell me your instincts are correct about not pursuing a "number 1" career. Your challenge numbers tell me that in a bit over twelve years you're likely to be freer with your creative expression. Your pinnacle cycles tell me that, at about the time your predominant challenge number changes, your pinnacle change from 5 to 9 is likely to bring more focus on humanity as a whole rather than mostly on yourself and your life experience.
See Living and Soaring With Numerology for how knowing your own numerology chart can be helpful.
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