Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Teaching Is Exactly Right for Me

Image for 'Teaching Is Exactly Right for Me' numerology answer

Hello! I've had financial problems for a few years and despite two academic degrees in linguistics and translation and lots of experience from many different types of jobs, I haven't been able to find a stable job with a permanent contract. I've done a lot of teaching during the last few years which suits me quite well, but since I'm not a certified teacher I haven't been able to get anything more than temporary substitute teaching jobs. According to my numerology chart, teaching is exactly right for me. So, why hasn't this worked out for me and is there anything in my numerology that indicates positive changes on the work front? Would a name change help me? (My current name is [name removed] but I only use the middle name when it's required in documents, which isn't often. Please remove personal information!) Thank you!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Congratulations on pursuing a career that resonates with your numerology chart.

What numerology provides is tendencies and likelihoods, nudges in a certain direction and attracting things that resonate with the chart.

Numerology can not run anyone's life for them. Further, there is individual free will. People have to do their own actions and make their own decisions.

As an example, although teaching is highly resonant with your chart, permanent teaching jobs are out of reach because you are not a certified teacher. Numerology can not provide the certification, just the urge to teach. For certification, a person needs to do the actions required to acquire it.

A career consultant may present other avenues to consider than employment with established companies or institutions — perhaps your own business teaching or translating. Which might be done online.

And there may be other careers that would provide satisfaction. Use the career suggestions tool to see what it might come up with. You'll see a list of types of careers more than specific suggestions — "artistic pursuits" rather than "painting", "sculpting", … .

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