Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Playback Singer

I would be glad if u answer these questions: 1. What are my prospects of becoming a professional playback singer? 2. When will my long term health problems end? Thanks!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Isha, the major numbers 3 and 5 of your name certainly provide support for a career as a playback singer (and similar professions).

The 3 is a number of creativity and social interaction. The 5 is a number of new experiences.

Your birth date number 1 also helps, providing initiative and self reliance to your life path.

Successful playback singing of course requires training and practice and the physical ability to accomplish the required actions. The way I read your numerology profile, it supports your actions.

Health questions may better be answered by a health professional.

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