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Hospice name change
The company that I work for is changing its name simply because they think the name that it had now seems silly to them. The name is "Hospice Cheer" the new name will be "Mission Hospice". Does this new name carry a good vib. I love this place and hope that it will have a good vibration and be very sucessful. Thank you so much.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Hospice Cheer
Vowels: 3 (heart's desire)
Consonants: 3 (persona)
Name: 6 (whole entity vibration)
3: Expressive, Charming, Creative, Imagination, Outgoing, Joyful, Enthusiastic.
6: Harmony, Beauty, Nurturing, Responsibility, Understanding, Perfectionist, Warm, Domestic, Reliable.
Mission Hospice
Vowels: 8 (heart's desire)
Consonants: 3 (persona)
Name: 11 (whole entity vibration)
8: Achievement, Abundance, Power, Intensity, Materialism, Decisive, Forceful, Material Manifestor.
3: Expressive, Charming, Creative, Imagination, Outgoing, Joyful, Enthusiastic.
11: Visionary, Intuitive, Spiritual, Teacher, Idealistic, Artistic, Energetic, Inspired, Romantic.
Apply those traits to the entity that is the hospice and you'll have a good idea of the changes that are in store.
Note that the changes will be gradual, and may take several years for the vibrations of the old to completely shift to the new.
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