Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Trying to Decide on a Business Name
I'm trying to decide on a business name and from everything I've read so far, the most important thing is whether the business is compatible with you or not. So, how do I know what numbers for a business name will be compatible with my numbers? And on top of that, are there numbers that are good for business in general that would also be compatible with me?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
First, here's a link to the numerology company naming article index.
Now, to your questions.
How do I know what numbers for a business name will be compatible with my numbers?
Get the major name numbers of the business names you are considering. And get the core numbers of your own name and birth date.
Compare your core numbers to the major name numbers of each business name.
All of your core numbers are important when comparing. There are two with slightly higher importance, but not enough higher to make a big deal out of it. The most important of your core numbers for matching any of the major business name numbers is your life path number. Next in importance is the destiny number.
Are there numbers that are good for business in general that would also be compatible with me?
The numerology number that represents the most business-related energy is the number 8. Both your heart's desire and your personality numbers are the number 8.
Thus, even though the number 8 isn't your life path or destiny number, it's a preferred business number and, if you have a choice, would be better suited for one of the major business name numbers.
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