Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Restaurant Name

I wish to change my existing restaurant business name to "Des Pardes".

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The name Des Pardes has a wonderful numerological resonance for a restaurant. It's resonance with your name is also excellent.

The heart's desire number of the restaurant name is the number 11. The heart's desire of your name is the number 3. (This is the only major numerology chart position where the restaurant name and your name don't match exactly.)

A heart's desire number 11 resonates with a yearning or desire or looking forward to romance. It has other meanings, but this one is especially relevant for a restaurant that provides the ambiance of intimate romance.

A heart's desire number 3 (as is yours) resonates with a desire to express oneself creatively, especially in social situations.

The personality number of both the restaurant name and your name is the number 8. One of the meanings of the number 8 is material success or abundance, a good resonance for a restaurant where diners can feel immersed in a sense of success.

The destiny number of both the restaurant and your names is the number 1. One of the meanings of the number one is leadership. Another is self-determination. Both of those do well for a restaurant. The restaurant itself can be a leader and self-determined. It's diners are likely to sense those vibrations along with the vibrations of the numbers 11 and 8 — a nice mix for comfortable and satisfying dining.

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