Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
When Decent Job Can Be Had
When will I get a decent job?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Because getting a job is an action of free will, it can't be predicted with certainty by using traditional numerology. It also depends on whether or not any decent jobs are available.
See the When Will I Get a Job? article for information about that.
The idea of "decent" is subjective and may have a bearing on when you get a job. Decide what is decent, specifically. Is it one where you get paid for talking to people? Perhaps one that pays you a higher-than-average wage? Maybe a job that is performed indoors?
Once "decent job" has been defined, then a person can look for decent job openings and apply for them. If no decent job openings are available, then perhaps the definition of decent needs to be revised.
Although numerology can't predict with certainty, the Likely Dates to Get a Job tool can provide a list of dates when getting a job is more likely than it is on other dates.
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