Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Will Business Be Successful?
Will my Business be successful?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology does not make people do the things required for the success of anything. People have free will. Thus, numerology has no calculations to determine if something will be a success.
But numerology can calculate tendencies and likelihoods. The results are generalities rather than specifics. It is people, what they do and don't do, that determine what the specifics end up being.
Perhaps I can help out.
What is your definition of "success" in relation to your business? What would have to happen or become that would let you conclude that your business is successful?
Once you have that, you can write out the specifics and use them as a goal. (If you change your definition of success, the goal can be rewritten.)
The second item that is likely to determine whether or not your business will be a success (according to your self-determined definition) is whether or not the business is something that resonates with your personal numerology chart.
Careers and business that are compatible with your chart are more likely to be a success — simply because they are of more interest and feel more natural to you than careers and businesses that are dissonant and incompatible.
The Career Suggestions tool can provide one or more lists of types of careers that resonate with your chart. See if your business fits on one of those lists.
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