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Balanced Name and Birth Date for Use in Business
What can be my balanced name and birth date, which can be used in Business name and signature?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
One way to balance is having the same number for both name and birth date. Another way is for a more or less even distribution of the numbers among the name and birth date.
The Balance Number may contain information you're looking for.
Let me suggest that the energy the name represents is more important than how well it balances with the birth date. The name energy will be nudging you with certain energy your entire life.
It actually is quite important that the name you choose has the energy that suggests the type of person you are or want to become — regardless what your birth date is.
A name good for business is generally considered to be a professional name. How to Choose a Professional Name has information to help people determine what is a good professional name for them.
A good professional name depends on the profession. If you are uncertain what the profession will be, use the career suggestions calculator first for information to help you decide.
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