Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
A Most-Suitable Career

Which career would be most suitable for me to choose for profit and will benefit me this coming year and in what do I practice/study to see my success?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
A career that resonates with your numerology chart is more likely to be successful for personal satisfaction and to benefit you more than a career in dissonance with your chart. The career suggestions tool can be used for a list of types of careers that do resonate with your chart.
If your idea of benefit and success is more along the line of economic security, then the career promising the most of that, or as much of it as you want, may be considered even if it does not resonate with your numerology chart. Still, that type of success is more likely if there also is a personal chart resonance.
Accolades from peers, if that is your definition of success, may be more likely when a person is known for doing a good job. Enjoying the career probably makes it easier to do a good job than would one you don't like. Enjoying a career is more likely with a career resonates with the person's numerology chart.
If your definition of success is something not named in my response, it may be more probable if the career has a chart resonance — like the other definitions of success.
A system or discipline of practice/study can be determined after a career is chosen.
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