Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education

Chasing My Dreams

Should I continue down the path of chasing my dreams of being an actress? Or should I try to be more practical, find love and settle down?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Let's take a look at a few aspects of your numerology chart. What you decide for your future is, of course, your decision. What's revealed about your chart may make the decision easier.

First, about two numbers, 3 and 5.

The number 3 represents the most creative energy of any numerology number (Pythagorean numerology, which is practiced here). This is good energy to have available for an acting career.

The number 5 represents expression of personal freedom and tends to be adept at seeing things from different points of view. This is also good energy for an acting career.

Your name as provided when your question was asked has both the number 3 and the number 5 as a major name number, the heart's desire number 5 and the personality number 3.

One of your challenge numbers is the number 3. It means that creative expression can sometimes be hard to do — until the fact is acknowledged and you do it anyway.

Your personal year two years from now is the number 3 and four years from now is the number 5. Both of those years will have extra energy that can support you.

Your pinnacle number will become a 3 in about eight years and remain a 3 for eighteen years. This will make a lot of creative energy available to you.

To recap, the numerology energy of the numbers 3 and 5 of your name is very good for the acting profession. The challenge number 3 is bested by being creative anyway, just doing it. And additional support is coming in the future with the personal year and pinnacle numbers.

There are other number in your chart, of course. The above are pertinent for an acting career.

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