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Personal and Business Name Questions
Q.1}Is my name positive? Should I add any letters/alphabets to the existing name to be successful in all aspects of personal and professional life?
Q.2}I would like to start my new I.T.Solutions business. And I have named it as Ahuramazda Infotech___The TOTAL IT SOLUTIONS. Will it be successful and gain profits?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
No name will guarantee success in all aspects of personal and professional life. Success requires action. A name can not do it by itself.
Be that as it may, you have a wonderful name.
The 8 vowels total tell me you have a drive to succeed in the financial or corporate world and that you have management talents. The 1 consonants total tell me you are an innovator and have an innate talent to lead. And, the 9 number of your full name tells me you consider the good of mankind whenever you make decisions likely to have far-reaching effects.
Your birth date is a 3 and tells me your life path is one with creativity, socializing, optimism, and dynamic energy.
As with personal names, company names do not guarantee success and profit. Success and profit come from right actions.
Nevertheless, the company name does have an influence. The name gives a first impression. It resonates a certain way that makes certain actions more likely and easier to do. It makes certain directions more likely.
The company name "Ahuramazda Infotech___The TOTAL IT SOLUTIONS" resonates with the number 7, an number of scientific study and research. It also resonates with the number 9, a number resonating with understanding and service to mankind. The name contains more 1's than any other number and also begins with a 1, a number of leadership and invention.
The company name "Ahuramazda Infotech" resonates with the number 3, an number of artistic creativity, communication, and dynamic energy. It also resonates with the number 9, a number resonating with understanding and service to mankind. The name contains more 1's than any other number and also begins with a 1, a number of leadership and invention.
If those are the attributes you want for your company, then the name is a good one.
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