Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
No Job in Software Field
I am working in the field of software. I lost my job two years ago and since then have not got into a job. Please can you suggest is my name favorable to me and let me know if the name needs to be changed. My wife's name is [name removed] and her date of birth is [birth date removed]. Can please look into her chart from the angle that it may benefit me in the near future. Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
While the numerological vibrations of a name can influence how a person is perceived, how the person approaches life, and other factors, a name cannot create a job where none exists nor can it obtain a job for you.
Here's what I see with your major name numbers:
The number 4 is your personality number. With a 4 personality number, you're likely to present yourself as a person who is trustworthy and pays attention to details.
The number 3 is your heart's desire number. It's likely that you desire to express yourself more creatively.
The number 7 is your destiny number. You're likely to have a good scientific mind, but also likely to be introspective and look for answers within.
From what I see of your numerology profile, the software field and your name resonate well. They are compatible.
The spouse can always benefit a person when the relationship is trusting and sharing.
Have you considered freelancing? Accepting projects you can do from companies who then pay you to do that project. It may be a business that you can do until employment is gained.
Another option to consider is teaching software programming to those who need to know or need to brush up on their skills.
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