Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Rewarding and Satisfying Profession
What profession offers me greatest rewards and personal satisfaction?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
If your idea of rewards is financial security (which your 4 name number and 4 birth date number say is likely to be the case), then the professions that offer the greatest rewards for you are the ones with the best financial remuneration.
Your 3 name vowels number suggests you would obtain the most personal satisfaction from a profession that has room for you to express your personal creativity.
Make a list of financial rewarding professions and a list of personally satisfying professions. The professions should be those you actually can work.
Some career ideas may be obtained from the Career Suggestions Tool.
Now, compare the two lists of professions.
If any profession is on the same list, it may be a good choice. If it is not a good choice or if no profession is listed on both lists, some compromise may need to be made when choosing a profession - less financial security for more creativity or vice versa.
It would be nice to find a profession you are qualified for that gives you both the greatest rewards and the greatest personal satisfaction. And there may be a profession like that for you.
If no such profession exists, it will be necessary to compromise a little with either the rewards requirement or the satisfaction requirement. Determine which is most important and then look at your lists again.
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