Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
The Best or Most Appropriate Work for Me
What is the best or most appropriate work for me at this point in my life?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Use the online career suggestions tool for a list of types of work that resonate with your numerology chart.
What is best or most appropriate would be subjective. Your approach to life, the availability of the types of work listed with the tool, and your current situations would all have a bearing.
The career suggestions tool focuses on the core numbers of your chart. It does not consider the numerology cycles.
The cycles may have a bearing on your choice.
Your current challenge number is the number 4. Work that requires a high degree of focus for long periods and requires exact procedures be followed will tend to be more of a challenge than work which allows some creativity and freedom of choice.
Your current life period cycle number is the number 3. The energy the number 3 represents resonates with, among other things, creative self-expression. Types of work that require creativity may be appropriate for you. The life period cycle number will remain 3 for twelve years.
Your current pinnacle cycle number is the number 1. The 1 energy resonates with independence and self-reliance, among other things. Work that allows or requires initiative may be especially suitable. In three years, your pinnacle cycle number changes to the number 5, which represents energy resonating with expression of a sense of personal freedom. Work that suggests initiative is part of its job description is likely to resonate well with this pinnacle, too.
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