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Business Name for Life Coaching and Divination Practice
I recently left my job to start working for myself. I have been studying numerology for about a year or so and have been fascinated with it - as well I have been reading cards. Ultimately, I am going to be completing certification in life coaching and will work for myself. I would like to name my business with numerology in mind. The name I have always thought I would use is: "Practical Spiritual Guidance" or "Grounded Spiritual Guidance". I have run the numbers for them myself and neither name seems to be very strong - do you have any suggestions - or are they ok? I appreciate your help with this very much!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I'm uncertain by what you mean by "strong," as the term is subjective. According to my calculations, both names could serve well as the name for the type of business I understand you plan to have.
As you've undoubtedly already calculated, Practical Spiritual Guidance's heart's desire is the number 6, a nurturing number. The name's destiny is the master number 11, a spiritual number, and its personality is the number 5 which, among other things, represents resilience.
Grounded Spiritual Guidance's heart's desire is the number 9, a holistic number, and both the destiny and personality are the number 7, another spiritual number.
Understand that the name is likely to have an influence on how people perceive your business and it might have an influence on your actions with its subtle nudges. But the name isn't nearly as important as what you, personally, do and don't do. It's your actions that make the business a success, not the business name.
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