Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Name Change for Singer
I am a singer, but I was very shy for a great part of my life and did not start to sing publicly until I was in my late 30's, when I tried some games with myself, including just getting up there and singing and pretending that I was someone else who did this all the time with great success and self-confidence. Lately I have been wondering about changing back from my married name of Birchall back to my maiden name of Ellis. I feel that the name Ellis is a more creative, mellifluous name and thus, be good with self-expression, but that the name Birchall might have advantages or add a dimension that I shouldn't turn away from. Please advise. Thank You.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your life path number, calculated from your birth date, is the number 3. The energy represented by the numerology number 3 is the most creative all numbers.
That energy represented by that number will be with you regardless what name you use.
Your birth name with last name Ellis is also very creative, as see by the destiny number 3. There is very little creativity when Ellis is replaced with Birchall.
Note that your birth name energy will always be with you regardless what other name you decide to have for yourself. The longer you have the other name, the more influence the other name will have and the less influence the birth name will have. But the birth name influence will never go away entirely.
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