Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Career and Education
Birth Date Related to Studies
I wanted to be an Astrophysicist... My second choice is to be in Aerospace Engineering... I have completed B.E. in Aeronautical Engineering in one of the best institutions in Bangalore... How would be my career if I choose to do M.Tech in Astrophysics and Astronomy or M.Tech in Aerospace Engineering... What does my date of birth says when it comes to the studies and the career in my life...?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Although not directly about studies, interpretations for the numerology life period cycles may prove to be significant.
Until the year when you become 28 years old, the number 8 of your life period cycle tends to bring events and circumstances related to physical abundance. They may be opportunities for abundance or related to preparing for abundance.
From 28 until the year you become 55, your life period cycle is the number 7. Events and circumstances tend to relate to analytical and scientific pursuits, spiritual pursuits, and looking inward for answers.
From 55 to transition, your life period cycle is the number 3. The 3 tends to bring opportunities related to creative expression, especially in social situations.
There are other numerology cycles based on the birth date that can have an influence on studies and career.
Read about the pinnacles for information about another large-cycle numerology chart interpretation. And read also about the one-year cycles known as the personal year.
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