Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Love
Meaning of Astrological Numbers

I am with a Scorpion man and he is 28. The Juno the marriage asteroid degree in my 2018 solar return is 28! And the 2018 SR Juno is conjunct SR DSC in late Aquarius and my SR Sun in 7th house! The configuration conjuncts his North Node in Aquarius. My solar Return Venus in Pisces 12 deg! I met him 12 days before my Solar Return on Feb 8th! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? That he is my future 2nd husband????
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
When a person looks for number correlations, they will be found.
There are literally hundreds of numbers around us. Many are identical.
For meanings of the numerology energies represented by the numbers themselves, see the number meanings index page. Each of the numbers you named in your question has an entire article dedicated to it.
The numbers don't mean anything they didn't mean before the correlation was made.
The meanings of the correlations are the meanings the person gives them.
The correlations may be seen as signs that what a person wants will or will not happen, or that what a person does not want will or will not happen — it all depends on the meaning the person gives the correlations they found.
Whether or not the person you have an interest in will be your second husband depends on what you and he do and don't do, not on number correlations that may be found.
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