Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Love
Will We Ever Be Together?
My name is [name removed]. I am talking with this man whom I've known for 2 years now. We are intimate, but we are not a couple. We are very good friends, have a lot of similarities and I feel very spiritually and emotionally connected to him. His name is [name removed]. He is a Aquarius-Pisces cusp ( his birthday being [birth date removed]) & I am an Aquarius (my birthday being [birth date removed]). My question is will we ever be "Together"? I love him. Thank you. Namasté.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Whether or not you'll ever be "Together" is a decision between the two of you. Numerology calculations can't make that determination.
Something that might help is the marriage compatibility calculator. It presents a percentage of compatibility as determine by numerology calculations for various aspects of his and your charts.
Your destiny number is the number 6. The number 6 is a family number (among other things).
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