Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Love
Meeting the Love of My Life

When will I meet love of my life?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology charts are personal. In other words, they are only about you, not about someone else or what other people might do or not do. Numerology always respects free will; never does it force you to do or not do something.
In order to meet someone, that someone else has to be present. There are no numerology calculations to determine what someone else will do or not do except by noting the tendencies and likelihoods of their numerology chart and making forecasts from those.
Also, in order to meet someone, you have to be present where that someone is. To be present somewhere is an act of free will (usually), which numerology respects but has no calculations for.
Those are why I don't have a specific numerology answer for your question.
But there are two things that might help.
The Finding Your Soul Mate article has information about taking action yourself to make it more likely you meet the love of your life. Or, as some people term that type of connection, your soul mate.
The Event Timing Predictor can be used to find out which days resonate more with the event you're looking to happen and which days resonate less with it. The more a day resonates with the event, the more likely it will happen during that day.
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