Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Biggest Differences Between Persons

Hello, Can you please tell me what the main/biggest differences are between persons: Pinnacle, Cycle and even Challenge numbers are? I understand to some extent what they mean but I don't really understand how they are supposed to work or maybe even apply in some instances (for example which is the strongest / most "felt" / important" of the three?) and are all 3 supposed to be taken into equal consideration? Lastly, with the challenge numbers, when are those supposed to take effect in a persons life, such the other two have time frames But i don't seem to notice one for the challenge? Thanks in advance.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
In a moment, I'll address the cycles you asked about specifically. First, a foundation, which the true value of numerology article provides.
With that foundational understanding, you now know that the amount of difference the effects the named cycles have between two people depend on the people and the other numbers of their numerology chart. Similar with importance, "it depends" is the only possible answer without complete charts of the two people available for consultation.
The energy of the pinnacle cycles tends to have more of an effect on the energy represented by the name numbers and less on the birth date number. The energy of the life period cycles tends to have more of an effect on the energy represented by the birth date number and less on the name numbers.
The resonance or dissonance of the cycle number with the number or numbers the cycle affects most is where some of the amount of difference can be determined. More difference can be determined by the resonance or dissonance of the cycle number with the rest of the core numbers.
My view of the challenges is as challenges to a goal, generally related to self-improvement, that a person is likely to want to attain rather than challenges as obstacles that must be dealt with.
There are two ways to calculate the challenge numbers. (The two ways are as practiced by various numerologists who use Pythagorean numerology.)
Some professional numerologists calculate them as four cycles with the same timing as the pinnacle cycles. The delineated challenge calculator can show you.
Other professional numerologists calculate them as one challenge number always being present and the other three challenge numbers as cycles with timing similar to the life period cycles, but overlapped between cycles. The overlapped challenge calculator can show you that one.
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