Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Life Path Number 9 (and Also 44)
Is it possible to have a life path number nine and also forty-four? I keep seeing 44 everywhere and several times a day. Why?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
If you are asking if life path 9 and life path 44 can coexist for the same individual, then the answer is not with traditional Pythagorean numerology. Perhaps with other numerology studies, although I know of none that would adjust 4+4 by 1 in either direction.
I see only one number 4 in your chart (your personality number) other than short cycles like personal year, month, and day numbers where the presence of the 4 would be short term. Your name also has no letter represented by the number 4.
Therefore, seeing the number 44 as often as you do is unlikely to be influenced by your chart.
What virtually always happens is that a person sees a number (44 in your case) and, upon seeing it, makes a mental note of it. That mental note makes it much more likely that the seeing is remembered. The other numbers a person sees during the course of life that are not remembered are as if never seen.
Now that you have your attention on 44, you are likely to make a mental note of it every time you see it, a note perhaps along the line of, "there it is!". It will make it much more likely that you will remember seeing the number.
The Starting to See Certain Numbers Again and Again article has more information about that. Also Why You See Certain Numbers All the Time.
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