Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

The Strength of the Personal Year Number

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How strong is the personal year number? My name number is 3. When my personal year is number 3 does that mean I'll be more creative? How about if it's a 2 and I don't have a 2 in my chart?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, the strength of the energy the personal year number represents depends on other numbers of your numerology chart.

Generally, the personal year energy has less influence than the major cycles. The reason being the personal year energy is present for only a year and the major cycle energies are present for longer than that.

That's generally. Other numbers in the chart do make a difference.

When your personal year number is a 3, it resonates with your name number 3. The name energy is enhanced by the personal year energy. Yes, you can be more creative during that year. It's not that the personal year energy is powerful, but its effect is.

Let me clarify about the number 2 — it is in your chart, but not as a core number nor as a current major cycle number.

When your personal year number is a 2, it is more powerful that it would be in some other numerology charts. And that's because none of your core numbers are compatible with the number 2.

When a short-cycle number energy is present and none of the core numbers are compatible with it, the short-cycle energy fills in the missing resonance. During the time the short-cycle energy is present, in that situation, it is more powerful than it would normally be.

If any of your current major cycle numbers were compatible with the number 2, it would tone down the personal year energy somewhat. But it would still be more powerful than usual because no compatible energy is represented by the core numbers of your numerology chart.

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