Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Confused and Concerned About Overall Life

My birth number is 6, my life path 2 and my name number is 6. I'm confused and concerned about my overall life (career, finance, marriage). More than physical, its been quite a struggle mentally since childhood. Please assist.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I assume by birth number you are referring to your day of birth. The Birth Day Number article describes that particular core number. The article also has a link to a calculator where you can get a reading for your birth day number.
Your life path number is the master number 11. Because the life path is a core number, the master number is not reduced to the number 2. See Master Numbers and Potential for information about living with a master number.
Perhaps there was a typographical error when you typed your name and submitted the form for this question. Or perhaps you are using a different numerology system. With the name you provided and with traditional Pythagorean numerology, your name number (your destiny number) is the number 5.
Numerology energy is a subtle influence. It does not run people's lives and does not dictate what will or will not be.
Following up with the above links will give you information about the tendencies and likelihoods of the energies represented by the mentioned numerology chart positions.
Numerology is not a mental practice. It is mathematical. Numerology calculations represent certain numerology energies. The energies may be interpreted to reveal tendencies and likelihoods related to what the calculation was about.
The numerology tools index page lists a number of calculators you may use, including career and marriage related calculations. There are no calculators strictly about finance, at this time, because personal finance generally is more related to what you do and don't do, and to the local economy, than it is to your personal numerology chart.
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