Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Help Me Understand Me
Help me to understand me. What comes mathematically with my name and birthdate. Let's see if I have 6 lucky numbers ;)
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology calculations result in numbers. The mathematics is mostly additions, some subtractions.
The numbers represent energy that is interpreted to determine tendencies and likelihoods. Tendencies and likelihoods relate to the type of person you tend to be, the types of events and circumstances likely to occur.
As an example, your life path number is the number 6. To determine tendencies and likelihoods, a numerologist interprets the energy the number 6 represents in relation to the life path position of a numerology chart. The interpretation, in your case, indicates that events and circumstances, perhaps intermittently or perhaps perpetually, tend to relate to home, family, or nurturing. Perhaps also a lot of responsibility.
Get a short free online numerology reading from this website.
For numerology lucky numbers, try the lucky numbers calculator. It almost certainly will find at least 6 lucky numbers among the various types that are available.
Note that numerology lucky numbers are not the same as games of chance lucky numbers or the various other types of lucky numbers people tend to have or assign to themselves. The Real Numerology Lucky Numbers article and also Lucky Numbers both talk about various types of lucky numbers.
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