Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

A Question About Parts of a Name

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My name is [name removed] and my birthday is [birth date removed] which is 33 or 6 and name also has 6 variables does this have any meaning. My last name is [name removed] which has 4 variables and middle name is [name removed] which has 7. The hospital I was born at actually was torn down in [county name removed] county IN and they rebuilt it so I can't get my actual Time of birth I've tried and my said she thinks I was born in morning I just am curious.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I'll try to satisfy some of your curiosity.

Traditional Pythagorean numerology uses the full name and the birth date, but not the birth time, to calculate a personal numerology chart. A free numerology reading is available.

A person's first name can be used for specialized readings. Also the last name. See the numerology tools index for some of those.

I'm aware of no numerology readings that use the total number of letters that compose a name as a calculated result.

Your heart's desire number calculates to the master number 33. But your life path number does not.

Your life path number is the number 6 and is from 15 (5+7+3=15), not from 33. See How to Calculate Birth Date Numbers for the correct calculation method.

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