Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Birth Date Number Coincidences Within a Family

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My question is about birthdays. My son's birthday is 1/8 (January 8), and it is also the birthday of 3 of his 2nd cousins' (all my father's sister's kids, same day different year, same mother and father. The same aunt's other 2 kids, twins were born on 1/9). In addition, MY birthday is 8/1 (August 1) and so is my nephew's. 8/1 and 1/8 in 6 family members. All of us were born in Germany except my son (in US) Does that mean anything or is it a very strange coincidence?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Personal Numerology Charts are calculated using the one individual's birth date and name information. It does not include the birth dates or names of other people.

Numerology Compatibility Readings use the birth date and name information of the individuals who are the subject of the reading. When the birth date or name numbers are identical among the individuals of the reading, then there can be significance — the energy represented by those particular numbers is enhanced in relation to the reading.

Traditional Pythagorean numerology, which I practice, has no calculations for coincidental dates related to individuals of a family. Each date, of course, can have its own calculations. But there are no calculations to determine or to read coincidence.

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