Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Master Numbers 11, 11, and 22
My Question is what my potential is meant to be with my multiple master numbers in my chart. I am told so far that I have a life path# 11, Expression #11, growth #22. I have always felt out of place because of my strong ambitions and big dreams for my age. I wanted to know if my numerology would resonate with I feel I know about myself for just moral confirmation. Any input is appreciated.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, the master number 11 is calculated for both your life path and your destiny (our term for the chart position sometimes referred to as "expression").
I'm uncertain what chart position the growth number refers to, the 22 that your person calculated for you. If they added the life path and destiny numbers to get the growth number, then it would be the chart position we refer to as the power number. But the power number generally doesn't become effective until sometime in a person's early 40s.
The energy the master 11 represents is the most intuitive of all energy represented by master numbers. It is dynamic.
I don't know what your ambitions and dreams are, but the master number 11 energy in the destiny position represents a large potential to serve the human race. And master number 11 energy in the life path position tends to attract events and circumstances of a spiritual nature.
There is more at the master number 11 page.
See also the Master Numbers and Potential article. I think the information will be meaningful for you.
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