Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Compatibility of Birth Date and Name

Is my date of birth and name compatible with each other?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

If you're referring to your name numbers and your birth date number then, yes, the numerology numbers are somewhat compatible.

The birth date number is called the life path number. Your life path number is the number 1.

Of the three major name numbers, both your destiny and your heart's desire numbers are the master number 11. The number 11 and the number 1 are somewhat compatible. But if the number 11 is reduced to a single digit, it becomes the number 2 and is incompatible with the number 1. See the Master Numbers and Potential article for information about which applies most to you, the master number 11 or the number 2.

The other major name number, personality, is the number 9. The number 9 and the number 1 are compatible.

With Pythagorean numerology, which is practiced at this website, name numbers represent energies that relate to the characteristics of the person — their constitution, their outlook on life, the person that they are. The birth date number represents energy that relates to the events and circumstances the person is likely to experience.

Therefore, compatibility isn't critical between those two differing chart positions. In fact, some incompatibility can provide depth to a person's experience of life.

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