Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Lots of 1s in Name
I would like to know what it means when you have a lot of 1's in your birth name? I know that I have seven of them within my full name given. Is this unusual to have so many and would I need to balance with the opposite number of 9 for a better numerology chart?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number that represents the most letters of a name is an indication of what some of the person's talents are. See the What Are Your Talents? article for more information.
To balance in the way you are suggesting, where 1 and 9 share the talent number, would tend to make more areas of talent available but would also tend to reduce the strength of any one particular talent.
Many more of one number than any other number is an indication that particular talent is strong.
As an illustration, let's use the arbitrary idea that 10 units of talent are available. If they're all concentrated in the number 1, that's a strong talent. But if the 10 units have to be shared equally between numbers 1 and 9, then each talent area has only 5 units of strength.
Some names do have more than one number sharing predominance. It gives the person more varieties of talent but less specialization.
There is no need to balance the numbers of your name. Your 1 talents and your 7 destiny are well compatible and support each other.
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