Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Non-Hereditary Last Name

When me and my twin sister were born. My mom's last name was [name removed]. She had been married and divorced before she had us. Well, when she got divorced, she met a man named [name removed] (our father), but when she gave birth to me and my sister, she didn't give us the last name of our father which is [name removed]. Instead she named us [name removed]. Me and my sister know no [name removed]. Will numerology readings work for me and my sister if we have some other man's name other then our real father?? Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, your numerology readings still work.

The name as first recorded on the birth certificate is the name to use for most numerology calculations, genetic heredity notwithstanding.

Some calculations can use the current name, if the name was changed through marriage or otherwise, or a nick name. Others require only the first name. Using Numerology has links to articles describing various types of numerology readings that may be of interest.

The Ancestral Traits calculation can be done with either your biological father's last name and your birth certificate last name. It depends on which ancestor traits you're interested in.

I'm unaware of any numerology calculations other than ancestry-related calculations that specifically use the biological father's last name even if it's not on the birth certificate.

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