Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Perfect 30th Birthday
I was born [name removed] but I am unsure of the spelling of [name removed] It was changed 6 mo after my birth when my mom married my step dad. This is my mother's maiden name. My new married name is [name removed]. I am turning 30 [birth month and year removed]/2016. What, if any, significants could that hold? I have been waiting for this birthday for years as it seems so perfect. I am very curious as to your insights.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
If possible, get an authenticated copy of your birth certificate. It will give you the correct spelling to use for numerology readings.
I hope you have a perfect birthday, just like you've been waiting for.
Numerogically speaking, there are likely to be changes at the turn of the year just before your 31st birthday — next January, while you're still 30 years old.
Your pinnacle cycle number will change from the number 7 to the number 1.
Your life period cycle number will change from the number 3 to the number 4.
You main challenge number will change from the number 1 to the number 2.
Because the cycles will change next January, it will be while you're 30 years old.
Those cycle changes aren't abrupt. A person senses changes coming a month or two earlier, perhaps even three. And the changes are already well along by the time January rolls around. During the first couple weeks of January, the change is completed.
There may be more clues in your name numbers. When you get the correct spelling, use the free numerology reading and the numerology tools to see what numerology interpretations exist for your numbers.
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