Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Name Change for New Alphabet

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By coming to America I changed my birth name number because of the difference in alphabet. Did it change my destiny? Or should I just use the Russian alphabet calculation?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It's actions that change destiny much more so than changing one's name.

The destiny number does change (usually) when a name is changed. But numerology energies aren't compulsory. Instead, they are subtle nudges.

Generally, it is best to use the birth name numbers when calculating numerology readings. Yet, using the current name can be preferred for certain types of readings. An example is compatibility readings (career, marriage, friendship, any relationship compatibility) when the other person or people know you only by your current name.

The online Non-English Alphabet Numbers Calculator tool is handy for getting alphabet position numbers for use with manual calculations.

When a new name is taken, the birth name energies don't go away. The longer the new name is used and the more the person identifies themself as the new name, the stronger the new name energies are. But the energies represented by the birth name never entirely go away.

Because the birth name energy is always present, even if at low strength, it may be prudent to get a reading for both the birth name and the current name, especially when the reading is a very important. With both interpretations at hand, you can see how much of each applies to you.

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