Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Searching for a Particular Aspect of Numerology
Years ago I came into contact with an aspect of numerology that I haven't been able to find since then. You were supposed to add the birth name to the year, starting from the birth year, in some way that I can't remember. I do remember making a long list with these calculations from the year I was born and 40-50 years onwards. This was a very good complement to the personal years, since some numbers were the same for several years in a row. Do you understand what I'm referring to, and could you please explain a bit about it? Thank you!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, I think I know what numerology aspect you're looking for — a yearly essence transit number calculated from the letters of each name segment (first, middle, last).
A table of events can be created by including, the personal year, pinnacle, life period, and universal year numbers with the essence transit numbers.
The calculations aren't trivial. Which is why we've made the essence transits calculator available to do them.
Your essence transit number until your birthday a bit less than eight years in the future is the number 9. At your 48th birthday, the essence transit number will be the number 2.
If you wish to do the calculations yourself, you'll find the procedures in these books.
The aspect name is "Table of Events" in Juno Jordan's Numerology; The Romance in Your Name.
The aspect name is "The Transits" in Hans Decoz's Numerology; Key to Your Inner Self.
The aspect name is "Immediate Period Table" in Florence Campbell's Your Days are Numbered; A Manual of Numerology for Everybody
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