Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Generations of Master Numbers

I have what I think is an unusual situation where my family has generations of master numbers. Starting at my grandfather he is an 11, my mother an 11, I'm an 11 and my nephew born this year is a 22. By profession my grandfather, mother, and myself are of nothing really important. I'm wondering if this is culminating in my nephew being an important figure or am I just looking to far into it?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, it would seem to be unusual that so many people in your lineage have master numbers. In my practice, I generally do the individual's numerology chart without also doing the charts of their parents and ancestors, so I don't know whether or not it really is unusual.
There are five places in a numerology chart where master numbers can occur. Those are the core numbers. Three of the core numbers are calculated from the name and two from the birth date. Those five provide much opportunity for a master number calculation.
Because I was curious, I scanned the last 100 questions received from this site's numerology question form and 45 had at least one master number. Of course, that is not nearly enough of a sample to be statistically significant. And it may also be that people with master numbers tend to be more inclined to ask a question, which would create a bias. And it wasn't, of course, an ancestry check, just a frequency check. Be all that as it may, it was a fun count.
Having a master number doesn't come with an imperative, but a choice. The person may or may not avail themselves of the extra-available energy. There is no forcing. There is no judgement from the Universe, regardless which choice is made. Master Numbers and Potential provides more information about that.
Like any other number in numerology, master numbers represent energy. The energy is not forceful, but gentle. It is persistent in that it is always present. Yet, it is never adamant.
Interpreting the energy, a numerologist can reveal tendencies and likelihoods related to the aspect of a person's chart being considered.
Thus, whether or not someone is or will be important depends on what that person does and doesn't do. Although the energy represented by certain numbers of a person's chart can make it more likely, being or becoming important doesn't depend on any particular numbers of the person's chart.
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