Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
The Essense of 11 and Relationships
If you possess the essence of 1 and 2 from a number 11, how do you satisfy both as far as being in a relationship or finding one? I get pulled both ways; alone or not to be.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
With the number 7 in your numerology chart heart's desire position, it's no surprise that you wish to solve enigmas related to you personally. Maybe this will help.
Numerology numbers aren't there to be satisfied. Instead, they represent energies with influence. With knowledge of what that influence is, tendencies and likelihoods can be ascertained.
Note that the energies have influence, not control. Note that it is tendencies and likelihoods that can be ascertained, not predestination.
The number 2 has more influence than the number 1 when it comes to the number 11. See the graph at the number 11 article for a visual of the relative amount of influence.
The number 2 is about relationships, which includes personal one-on-one relationships. It also includes group membership, friendships, relationships at work, any relationships you have with another person or group of persons. (The number 6 is the family number.) The number 2 is never happy alone.
The number 1 is about self-determinism and self-sufficiency. The number 1 can experience happiness in relationships, but is happiest when alone doing it's own thing; determining its own goals and in general being in charge of its own life.
Your personality number and your power number are both the master number 11. See also the Master Numbers and Potential article. Those two articles will tell you a lot about the number 11 when it's calculated as a master number in a numerology chart.
Perhaps this provided enough additional information to let you come to conclusions about what you want your life to be.
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