Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Numerology and Seeing Psychic Abilities
Do you see any psychic abilities pertaining to me?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology calculations can be used to reveal tendencies and likelihoods.
Tendencies are what a person tends to do or tends not to do. Also things that tend to occur or not to occur.
Likelihoods relate to tendencies but also pertain to the makeup of a person, the individual they know themselves to be. As an example, numerology can be used to reveal likely talents.
However, numerology is not a psychic practice. It is a practice that uses mathematical calculations to arrive at certain numerical results. The numbers of the results represent certain numerology energies.
It is the interpretation of those energies that lets a person come to conclusions about tendencies and likelihoods.
Unfortunately, there is no number that readily translates to psychic abilities.
However, there are numbers representing energies that relate to spiritual studies and inclinations. One of those is the number 7. The energy represented by the number 7 is also introspective, among other traits.
Your life path number is the number 7. Also your heart's desire number and your personality number.
While the number 7 energy doesn't directly translate to physic abilities or farseeing talents, it can be considered closely related.
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