Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Only 3 and 6 for the Birth Date and Major Name Numbers

Hi, I was just curious as to why my numerology report is so different to other people's? My core numbers consist of only 3 and 6's. My bridge number is 3 and zero's. I also have the same life path as destiny and birthday number which is all 3.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The reason comes down to the fact that your name and your birth date are what they are. When numerological calculations are applied, the results are the numbers you noted.

It's actually not that unusual for me to see a number distribution of major numerology chart numbers similar to yours.

Other occurrences of the number 3 and the number 6 in your numerology chart are your power number (6), your third pinnacle cycle number (6), your third challenge number (3), and your second life period number (3).

There are only 10 single-digit numbers, 0-9, and many numerology chart positions. Some positions will have the same numbers as other positions. It's always that way. There are more positions than there are single-digit numbers.

Sometimes, as in your case, the repetitions are arranged to make it seem remarkable. And they are, in the perception of some people. Most practicing numerologists, however, have repeatedly seen arrangements similar to yours.

The number 6 and the number 3 are somewhat incompatible, not highly incompatible, just enough to discourage complacency. And enough that you're unlikely to be bored for extended lengths of time.

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