Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Power Number and Changed Name

Can I know the effect of my power number on my life now? What happens if the birth name has changed.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Your power number is the number 1 and started to become stronger and the energies it represents become more energetic since seventeen years ago.

At the current point of your life, the energies of the power number may be so common to you, an energy you're so used to, that you might not recognize it for what it is.

Your power number is the number 1, the same as your current primary challenge number.

Because they are the same number, the power energy tends to alleviate the effects of the challenge energy. And the challenge energy tends to utilize the power energy. In other words, they tend to partially cancel each other out. And that may be another reason you don't recognize your power number energy.

When a birth name is changed, it doesn't change the power number. It can, however, if the changed name is firmly established, introduce another power number, the power number calculated using the changed name. In that case, the birth name power number is likely to dominate — depending on what the power numbers are and if the same numbers are elsewhere in the numerology chart.

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